Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nothing but your T Shirt on

So, I'm back from the Land of the Loud and Hurried i.e Hong Kong. It was a whirlwind holiday that had many perks and a few letdowns but all in all, I enjoyed the experience and I'm glad to be home. I'll blog about what I did in HK at a later date, but for now, I'll leave you with an entertaining list of random, and i do mean RANDOM writings I have seen printed on T Shirts, the ones labelled with the * were the ones I saw in HK itself. Enjoy! (and yes, these are real, I took notes with my iPhone while I was holidaying)


May I thank you need an attitude adjustment. Knock down drag out. I got to make myself a latitude adjective with on without. [A guy sitting in front of me in my lecture was wearing a shirt that said this, that's why I was able to read the entire thing and take note of it! It distracted me from the task at hand i.e learning. lol]

Your smile make me happy.
[What a difference an 's' makes]

I'd rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass.
[As opposed to? This one threw me off guard because an auntie at the hawker was wearing it.. wonder if she knew what the T shirt actually said : P]

I don't need a T Shirt to tell everyone that I'm gay.
[Doesn't that defeat the purpose? By telling everyone that you don't need the shirt, or is there some kind of subliminal reverse psychology going on?]

I (heart) children
[This one would have been fine if it weren't for the fact that an old man in his 60s was parading it around. Slightly unnerving]

Only onesey believe.
[I'm sorry.. what?]

Anchor points are added to the ends of the new paths.
[This is when I start to develop speechlessness when faced with the sheer absurdity of the mysteries of Random T Shirt Text]

*Go to pair of shoes.
[Should I wait for further instructions once I arrive at my inner sole?]

*Really thinks
[A half-written sentence

*Looking at life in a strange room
[I wonder what that looks like. Life and the strange room]

*All other tee suck
[Thanks for pointing that out]

*Nothing comes of nothing

(This one's a classic)
*Do you know way? As you mean to go on so meet me by the pretty.

*Words that do not match, deeds are unimportant.
[In the same way, I struggle to find words to describe these next few ones. I think they stand alone in the field of 'WTF' and 'huh?']

*In the shadowplay Koyo Jeans I was moving through the silence without motion. (???) Destroy and reborn.

*Destroy. The wild ride of making, rebel without a cause.

*Now you see so much better without eyes.
[This one really made my day. I literally lol'd when I saw it]

*Party mouthful tastes. How is the taste?
[The lady wearing this gave me weird looks, probably because she wondered why I was staring at her shirt so intently. I was practically in disbelief that such a shirt existed in this world.]

*Today must fanny good.

*Oh shit it's not a toy it's murder machine careful your manner
[Without punctuation and did I mention it makes no sense?]

(Another favourite)
*Love, peace and samba dance.
[Cause you can't have the first two without doing the third]

*Mellow bees for the free man.
[ nothing : P]

*Let's hug! No conflict!
[Sure thing flower child!]

This is another list that will undoubtedly expand with time, just like my waist after a hearty supper.

Meet me by the pretty where we can heart children and fanny good, but remember to move through the silence without motion so that we can experience Love, Peace and Samba dance.

Whadya mean I'm talking gibberish? It has been written on the clothing of man, like some sort of code for us to decipher! It has to make sense! Right?

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