Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gee Wizz

I've deduced that I shouldn't leave too long a gap in between my posts so here are my ramblings on another recent movie. I've also had some feedback that I should include more background information about the actual plot of the movies I discuss. So here goes. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS!

The Way Way Back
Starring Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Allison Janney, Sam Rockwell & AnnaSophia Robb
Directed by Nat Faxon & Jim Rash

This story revolves around Duncan (Liam James), an introverted 14-year-old that has been dragged to a summer vacation house with his mother Pam (Toni Collette), her douchebag boyfriend Trent (Steve Carell) and Trent's daughter Steph (Zoe Levin). Duncan is going through that awkward, insecure stage of growing up and he's trying to find himself and as destiny would have it, he finds an unlikely companion in Owen (Sam Rockwell), who is in charge of the coolest Water Wizz Water Park. Trent's neighbour Betty (Allison Janney) is an eccentric, perpetually drunk recently divorced single mother who has an absolutely stunning daughter Susanna (AnnaSophia Robb) and a boisterous, confident son with a lazy eye. Laughter ensues, as well as tears, heartache and drama. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish with only a few uncomfortable scenes here and there.

 Just look at that douchebag face. He does it so well that it makes you wanna slap him.

Personally, I felt that this was a very different role for Steve Carell, who usually plays the lovable, goofy good guy. He was a First Class A-Hole in this film. He constantly belittled and insulted Duncan, even made him wear a life-jacket on his friend's boat like a fool when no one else had to and expected him to 'man up' all the time even though he was sleeping around with Joan (Amanda Peet), a married friend of his. Douche.

Poor Allison, this is the only way she's able to smile...after the Botox went wrong.

Hats off to Allison Janney, she was positively hilarious as Betty and her witty, clever dialogue had me in stitches for most of the movie. Her son Peter (River Alexander) also stole the show with his crazy lazy eye and smart-ass quips and quirky personality.

Flawless much? You're spoiling the market for the rest of us mere mortals AnnaSophia.

AnnaSophia Robb was gorgeous to look at and she's come such a long way since she was that little girl in Bridge to Terabithia.  I really loved the fact that she wasn't like all the other superficial teenagers in the film. Her character showed depth and substance and even though she looked a lot older than the age she was supposed to portray, she got away with it because her offbeat style complimented Duncan's awkward grimacing and withdrawn persona.

 Oh stop it, you.

Sam Rockwell was my favourite character hands down. He was brazen, irresponsible, free-spirited and downright blunt. As Owen, his boyish charm made you want to be his friend and not to mention, he's pretty easy on the eyes too. The casting directors nailed it by choosing him to play Owen.

I must admit that I wished for a different ending to this movie. I was hoping Pam would wake up and smell the coffee and throw Trent out on his ass but instead I think the movie painted a more realistic picture of a potential real-life situation. One in which the woman is afraid of being alone so she settles for the man that comes back to her, even though she is fully aware of his philandering. I personally would throw him out on his ass. I digress.

I think the premise of the movie was really not about the couple at all but more about Duncan and how he discovered fulfillment and  a purpose in his little adolescent life that made him feel special and productive. By working at the Water Wizz water park, Duncan gained self-confidence and also used it as a means to escape his situation back at home. Something I think all of us can relate to at some point in our lives. Even at 26, I'm still trying to find that sense of accomplishment and meaning in my life. Once again, I digress.

My Ratings:

Cheese: 3 Skinny Mozzarella Cheese Sticks (Just the right amount of cheese for a feel-good movie)

Chocolate: A whole bowl of Fudgie Cubes (Superbly sweet it'll give you a sugar rush)

Favorite Scene:
When Duncan earns his nickname of 'Pop n Lock'. He is told by Owen to break up a crowd that's formed around a group of 'street dancers' and he flips out, thinking they're going to shun him. At first, the scene unfolds in a way that you think is NOT going to end well. You picture Duncan being ridiculed and insulted and cringe at the thought because he's just a sweet innocent kid, when just the opposite happens. Even though Duncan's moves are shall we say 'limited' and semi-awkward, it was such a pleasant surprise when the crowd went wild and cheered for him to 'freestyle'. Cue inspiring music and slow-mo close ups.

Favorite Line/s:
Owen: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave!
Duncan: What?
Owen: You're having way too much fun. It's making everyone uncomfortable.
Duncan: Okay.
Owen: Wow! I was just kidding! That wasn't even my best stuff!
Of course these lines don't make much sense without the sarcastic tone that Sam Rockwell adopted for his portrayal of Owen. There were many more of Owen's lines that I loved. Even Betty's too. Hard to pick a favorite.

Favorite Moment:
The intense showdown between Pam, Trent and Duncan when confronting Trent about his infidelity. I was really hoping for more from Pam and a dramatic outburst with slapping, throwing inanimate objects and/or drinks and hurling obscenities but I think the directors wanted it to be more believable and realistic. They succeeded in doing just that! Tugged at your heartstrings with the right amount of tension and pressure.

Allison Janney and her lazy-eyed son Peter. Their dialogue was rib-tickling but at the same time slightly sad because you felt slightly sorry for their situation and the fact that they seemed to be a very dysfunctional albeit loving family unit. I loved how 'in-your-face' Betty was as the consistently drunk neighbor who outstayed her welcome more often than not.

Product Placement:
I couldn't spot any ! But I'm sure I noticed a couple of iPhones here and there :)

Mostly 80s-type pop like INXS since the movie was supposed to be set in 1984. Suited the movie very well.

[I was only able to locate 2 trivia tidbits since the goofs have probably not been identified yet]
1. In an interview, writer/director Jim Rash said the script's main inspiration was the opening scene, inspired by a similar conversation he had with his own stepfather when he was 14.
2. Sam Rockwell would often improvise and joke around on the loudspeaker during scenes. One time, forgetting that there were children around, he made an inappropriate joke about herpes, which upset the owner of the park. Rockwell had to go and apologize so that they could continue filming.

Here's the trailer!

We're the Millers

Take it sleazy.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

No time for that now, Pinky...

[Update on The Big 250. I have managed to locate the first 10 titles on the list, with the exception of 1. Once I obtain that title, there's no turning back! I will embark on the exhilarating journey that will bring laughter, tears, horror, sadness and joy. In the meantime, hope you enjoy my ramblings about the movies of today.]

I decided that this review should have some background music to go along with it since I found this particular song to be quite apt.

Kick-Ass 2
Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz & Christopher Mintz-Plasse (coincidence that the 3 main actors have 3 names?)
Directed by Jeff Wadlow

I absolutely loved this movie from start to finish and although it wasn't as great as the first one, there were many pivotal points that got to me. I liked how they tried to make Hit-Girl appear like a normal high school girl with all the same insecurities and issues that we all go through but at the same time she had the ability and skills to kill a man 'with his own finger.'

 Besides the fact that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is positively beyond yummy as Dave Lizewski, I think he was the best choice for the role because he has a certain vulnerability about him that you can relate to and he doesn't always win fights even though he's Kick-Ass (in more ways than one). I find that to be quite refreshing in a way that you feel like almost anybody could be a hero or a crime-fighter or justice keeper as long as you have the right attitude. That's probably the idea the comic book was trying to portray so they did a good job with the motion picture version. When Kick-Ass joined forces with other 'everyday' heroes to form an army of sorts, it made me feel like I wanted to be a part of it too.

The brilliant fight scenes took my breath away even though a lot of them were undoubtedly overly exaggerated and borderline impossible. The real moments that affected me were those that encompassed human emotions like loss, humiliation and grief. I also loved the underlying twisted humor in certain scenes and of course the violence and entertaining, witty dialogue.

I was hoping for more scenes with Jim Carrey since I thought his character was going to be the good guy that survives everything and lives to tell the tale. He was still amazing though and as Colonel Stars and Stripes, he reminded me a little bit of an older, funnier GI Joe action figure that had come to life.

This movie inspired me in many ways. It made me want to start training and working out again to become stronger physically and mentally. It taught me that no matter what obstacles you might face, no matter how people belittle you or make you feel unworthy of being who you are, everyone can become their own hero. And don't let any Motherf**kers tell you otherwise.

 My ratings:

Cheese: 1 wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese (Not too cheesy, just about right)

I loved the fact that Hit-Girl also took a beating from the crazy Russian giant woman to highlight that at the end of the day, she's still just a teenager with some martial arts experience and not an actual warrior/fighter. Although, it was kind of annoying that after the epic battle, Kick-Ass had a broken nose, black eye and cuts all over, but all Hit-Girl had was a tiny band-aid on the corner of her face. Come on, she MUST have gotten wayyyy more injuries after being beaten to a pulp and subsequently thrown onto a glass table right?

Chocolate: A box of Royce chocolates

Very sweet when it came to the bonding experiences shared between the main characters, especially when Hit-Girl (as Mindy) climbs into Jake's window after being dumped in the middle of nowhere and cries on his shoulder. He tells her to 'beat them at their own game.'  Just the kind of tenderness that doesn't leave an overbearing, sickeningly sweet aftertaste in your mouth.

Favorite Scene:
When 'Mother Russia' practically annihilates about 6 to 8 cops AND their cars with her brute strength and animalistic roars. I mean, this b**ch literally throws a lawn mower through the windscreen of a cop car. That's pretty hard to beat.

Favorite Line:
Dave Lizewski: 'What's the matter, Chris? Shit hit your shorts?'
Chris D'Amico: 'Yeah, and I'm gonna wipe my ass with your face.' 
This witty exchange took place right before the battle between good and gnarly.

Favorite Moment:
This was fairly hard to pick because there were so many good scenes that I enjoyed. If I had to choose just one, it would probably be the revenge that Mindy dished out to the mean girls in her school. That was pretty epic. I wish I had that stick. I know a few people I'd like to try that on.

  Something tells me she's not here for the tupperware party.

I'd have to say Mother Russia. She's just one of those creatures (or behemoths) you can't possibly ignore. She is the fittest woman I have seen in a long time and her energy on screen is intoxicating in a way that you'd shit your pants if you saw her walking towards you in a dark alley..or even in broad daylight in the middle of a suburban neighborhood for that matter.

Product Placement:
There were a few times they showed Hit-Girl's motorbike (even though now as I recollect the movie I don't remember what make it was)

Joan Jett, Rock & Roll type beats with catchy riffs and a pretty neat, electronic poppy song by Jessie J called 'Hero'

Courtesy of IMDB:
Two goofs to look out for:
1. When Dave is shot by Mindy while training, there are two bullet holes in his jacket when he has only been shot once.  BOOM!
2. When the villains are in their base, Chris has two guns on his costume. These guns subsequently vanish. BOOM!

Two trivia tidbits:
1. The lines "Try to have fun, otherwise, what's the point?" and "Yeah, there's a dog on your balls!" were both improvised by Jim Carrey.
2.  During the Flashback during the funeral, you can see the name Mark Millar on top of the poster. Mark Millar is the author of the Kick-Ass comics

Here's the trailer!

NEXT UP: The Way, Way Back

Take it sleazy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Time for some futuristic, cerebral-data-stealing cyborg, radioactive elite planet banter. I don't know s*** about f*** when it comes to this genre of movies. But lately, I'm liking it.


Starring Matt Damon, Jodie Foster & Diego Luna
Directed by Neill Blomkamp (He brought us District 9)

Its uncanny that these 2 recent movies I've reviewed have single-word titles. Filmmakers must be running out of quirky, interesting names for their flicks. Whatever happened to titles like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford? Anyway, I digress.

I went to watch this movie without knowing anything about it! I might have seen the trailer but I must have completely forgot the details somewhere along the way. IMDB gave this one a 7.1 out of 10 and I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this as much as I did. 

 Fangirl moment.

The girlie girl part of me really liked Matt Damon's character, with all the tattoos and fit physique, the greasy jumpsuit and badass/smartass attitude. Very appealing. For me at least. Anyway, moving on to the more important things!

Elysium is set in the year 2154 and the filthy rich physically perfect elitists live on a fancy-ass pretty planet (called Elysium. Shocker.) that's still visible from Earth, almost like a slap in the face for the miscreants left behind. You could almost sense the smug hoity-toities silently proclaiming 'it's just too bad for you, you poor bastards. We're living it up.' I felt that it was an unfortunate stereotype that all the poverty-stricken citizens that were trying to 'sneak in' to Elysium appeared to be Mexican and/or some other form of South American and the wealthy, healthy, gorgeous Elysium inhabitants seemed to look really, really European.

Matt Damon (Max) finds himself in a situation that exposes him to extremely hazardous levels of radiation and discovers that he only has 5 days left to live. He is then determined to find a way to Elysium to make use of their Med-Pods (which can cure anything from a grazed toe to leukemia). Jodie Foster was locking it down with the cold, hard security-is-as-tight-as-my-ass-bitch vibe but for some reason I couldn't really get into the swing of seeing her as the bad guy, her spoken parts seemed to be badly dubbed but then again it could have just been a strange way she might have been speaking. Either way, I don't think she was quite nasty or cutthroat enough. I was quite impressed with the technological gadgets and advancements in the film and even when Max became a semi-robot-cyborg-roof-rack-man I thought it was cool.

Some scenes had a video-game feel to it especially when the futuristic, ridiculously amazing weaponry was being shown. I liked the Med-pods that could cure every illness you could ever imagine. And the flashbacks that Max kept getting with memories of an old nun that gave him a locket with a picture of Earth from space to remind him 'where he came from.' The South African villain had one of the most annoying accents ever known to man but he was pretty fierce when it came to getting the job done.

"There's GOTTA be an easier way to spy on my ex-girlfriend."

My ratings:
Cheese: 2 Wedges of Swiss Cheese (Fairly cheesy with some [loop]holes)

With ALL the amazing technology and tracking satellite devices in 2154, they couldn't find ONE guy that was running away with the MOST important data on the planet? Really? Perhaps they should have tried a metal detector. 

Chocolate: 4 Kit-Kat Wafers (Mildly sweet)

I thought Matt Damon's childhood love Frey was a ballsy, no-nonsense woman, my kind of leading lady. Her daughter was adorable too. I also felt the 'stab' when Julio (Diego Luna) met his maker fairly early in the film. He seemed like a good friend to Max.

Favorite Scene + Line:
When Max is getting 'pimped' with all his new metal bits and pieces. Right before he goes under the knife, he asks innocently 'is this gonna hurt?' How cute. An honorable mention goes to the scene where Kruger's face gets blown off mid-flight and subsequently gets reconstructed within seconds once his comrades bring his body back to Elysium. Visually very impressive.

Favorite Moment:
When Frey discovers a tiny tattoo that Max has of a symbol she drew on him when they were just children. It represented the promise he made to her to take her to Elysium one day. 

Spider, the hacker with the cane and irresistibly entertaining accent plus his uncanny knowledge of how to change the world with a few simple commands typed into what shockingly looks like an old-fashioned computer for its time.

Product Placement:
I couldn't spot any although I'm sure someone who knows their gadgets well would have been able to find something.

Very drum and bass-y with slight tinges of techno and classical music.
Arkasia, Kryptic Minds & Beethoven

It really suited the vibes of the film so I found it very apt.

Courtesy of IMDB:
Two goofs to look out for:

1. When the little girl with crutches is smuggled onto Elysium, the medical scanner diagnoses "multiple compound fractures". However, a compound fracture (modernly called an open fracture) is where broken bones cut through the skin. There were no such injuries on the girl as she walked with her crutches. BOOM!
2. Spider walks with a cane for most of the movie, yet somehow manages to run around without a cane during the fight scene in the end of the movie. BOOM!
Two trivia tidbits:
1. Takes place in the year 2154 AD, which is the exact same year that Avatar takes place in. 
Spooky how both movies are literally worlds apart.
2. The car that Matt Damon and Diego Luna drive is a modified Nissan GT-R. 

Here's the trailer!

NEXT UP: Kick Ass 2

Take it sleazy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

That Apple Show

I still have approximately 3 weeks before I get my hands on the first 10 movies of The Big 250. So in the meantime, I thought I'd write some ramblings about recent movies I've seen. 

Starring Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney & Josh Gad
Directed by Joshua Michael Stern

IMDB gave this a mere 5.4 out of 10 but I quite enjoyed it! It's the story of Steve Jobs and how he evolved from a college dropout to a household name etc etc. Truth be told, I actually didn't know enough about him before watching the movie so it was hard to determine the authenticity of his demeanor, mannerisms, behavior and life story. However, I was fairly impressed with Ashton Kutcher's performance and I thought he was pretty intense, especially when he was talking to Bill Gates on the phone about how 'IBM stole his ideas' and when he was trying to get his message across to the people in his team and members of the board. My interpretation of Steve Jobs from this movie is that he was a blunt, no-nonsense kinda entrepreneur. Admirable in some ways, but major asshole most of the time. True, Kutcher's impersonation of Jobs' slouched walk seemed somewhat over-exaggerated but I think he's come a long way from being a ditzy, pretty boy stoner. Kudos Kelso!

My ratings:
Cheese: 1 Block of Red Leicester [Mildly cheesy]

Some parts were just too biased towards the Apple company and how innovative they are and how far they've come. I don't deny that they've done well for themselves but at times it seemed a little too blatant.

Chocolate: One Cadbury Dairy Milk Bar [Semi-sweet]

I felt for Jobs when he pushed everyone away because of how much of a perfectionist he was and the only place he could go back to was his parents' house. I was actually quite moved because of how many men are seen crying in this movie. 

Favourite Scene + Line: 
When Jobs tells one of his managers "You're either with me or against me...and if you're not with me, then you can get the f*** out!" 
Loved the intensity.

Favourite moment:
When Jobs is going through his mail and he comes across a letter from his daughter. Hit the 'too-close-to-home' nerve just a tad. 

The 'Rebel' technician on the motorbike. 
Okay maybe just because he reminded me of my ex. 
Product Placement: Duh. Apple.
Soundtrack: Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, REO Speedwagon 
Enjoyed most of the song choices. Suited the 70s vibe really well.

Courtesy of IMDB:
Two goofs you should look out for: 
1. When Jobs visits a computer store in 1976 to arrange to sell the first Apple computers, several IBM monitors are on the shelf but they did not appear on the market until the IBM PC several years later. BOOM!
2. Just before Jobs takes over the Macintosh project in the early 1980's, a blue 1991-94 Chevy Cavalier sedan drives past in the parking lot. BOOM!
Two trivia tidbits: 
1. To prepare for his role, Ashton Kutcher followed a fruitarian diet, similar to Steve Jobs' reported diet. Days before shooting, he was hospitalized with pancreatitis. Yikes.
2. Almost all of the scenes involving Jobs' parents house and garage were filmed in the actual Los Altos, California house and garage where Steve Jobs grew up in the 1970s. Nice.

Here's the trailer if you're interested to know more:

NEXT UP: Elysium

Take it sleazy.


Monday, August 26, 2013

You complete me.

So I've been told that I'm pretty crazy and silly when it comes to my obsession with collecting movie DVDs. Everyone always has almost identical responses 'You can just watch everything online! Why spend money on things that just collect dust on your shelf and are gonna be obsolete sooner than you think?'

Well you know what, screw you guys.

f you like watching movies online, by all means, do as you please. I have done it before too, thinking I was a hot shot, getting to watch movies for free ! But now personally I like to appreciate the time, effort and talent that goes into making a movie. Sure DVDs take up space and how many times are you really gonna watch one movie? 

My comeback is, if you watch a movie on DVD and end up not liking it at all, you can always donate it/sell it/give it away as a present to someone you don't like at all. Genius!

By watching movies online, sure it may be convenient and free! But I'm here to be devil's advocate and try to inspire you to buy the original ;)

1. You get questionable quality when you watch movies online. Sometimes the audio is shit and special effects don't have the same, well, effect on you.

2. Movies don't load all the time. If you're the kind of person that's very impatient like me, then waiting for a movie to load/buffer can kill you! Especially if it's an exciting movie that you need to pay attention to. And right at the pivotal moment, it freezes and you curse the computer gods and throw your wireless keyboard against the wall and your mouse out the window. Okay maybe that was just me.

Everyone remember
this guy? --->

3. You lose out on special features.
On DVDs you get outtakes, deleted scenes, subtitles, commentary and all sorts of goodies. Online movies unfortunately don't provide any of that. So suck it.

4. You can't rewind movies online. Well not easily at least. Refer to point no. 2 and buffering time will make you tear your hair out and forget why you wanted to re-watch that scene in the first place.

5. Sources for movies online change constantly. So you might not have the chance to watch that movie again should you feel the need to. Or it might take you a million years to even find a reliable source that works.

Now some of you might be thinking, well if you want quality, why not Blu-ray Discs instead of DVDs? Good question. Here's why.

Blu-ray players can only play Blu-ray Discs and they are ri-goddamn-diculously expensive. Also Blu-ray Discs are not cheap either. Sure, they might take over from DVDs  eventually. Just like LDs took over VHS and VCDs took over LDs. I'll  cross that bridge when I come to it.

As far as I know, my DVDs are my best friends. 

t might sound pretty pathetic but I wouldn't have it any other way. Of course I have human friends too but deep down I have never really trusted anyone enough to say that they will never let me down. But I know my movies will always be there for me any time of the day or night. I believe there is a perfect movie out there to help you overcome a personal obstacle, share your anger and frustration if you're having a shitty day, inspire you to be a better person or just heighten your happy feelings if you've found a new love. Here are just 3 of my picks for 3 different emotions/scenarios. I tried to think of the most common situations that people experience.

1. A break up/Major PMS/A fight with your significant other/Not being invited to an outing with your friends

*special 'too-close-to-home' scenario: If for some reason the people you trusted most in your life suddenly decided they wanted to kill you by any means necessary.
- Kill Bill Vol 1 or 2 

Pretty much anything by QT works quite well for these situations. In the 2 Kill Bills, you feel for Beatrix Kiddo because everyone's turned against her and she's just having the worst day in history. You want her to get even so much that you tend to forget about your itty bitty problems in the real world. Tarantino's dialogue also never fails to entertain and his over the top style always leaves you wanting more.

2. Falling in love/Making a new friend
*special 'too-close-to-home' scenario: If you have lost your significant other or if you don't spend enough time with your kids
- Up 

Pixar is known for their positive messages and all-round warm and fuzzy feelings that come with their fantastic movies. If a film that has two sweet people growing old together, a cute helpful Asian 'wilderness explorer', a multilingual dog with ADD and a bird named Kevin doesn't bring a sentimental tear to your eye then you should probably get yourself checked for a pulse. Oh and did I mention the hundreds and thousands of beautiful balloons?

3. A shitty day at work/Skipping work/Hating Work/Getting a scolding from your boss
*special 'too-close-to-home' scenario: If you are male and you have daddy issues
 - The Pursuit of Happyness

I've always been a fan of Will Smith and this is probably my favourite movie of his. True story bro. I mean, this is a true story. About Chris Gardner and the struggles he faced with his young son. From start to finish it has you rooting for Gardner because you can see how hard he's working and how much he wants to provide a better life for his family. The most touching part is the bathroom scene (as much as that sounds dubious) and after you watch it you feel so much more grateful for what you have and motivated to be better at what you do. 

To sum it all up, the lists and potential scenarios could go on but one thing that I know is, my DVDs are not going anywhere. They'll always be there to share my laughter, sorrow, anger, insanity, frustration, joy and tears. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Where did our love go? Oh right, to the movies.

It's been two years and too many heartaches since my last post. He wasn't the one after all. Maybe the one that got away.

*Thanks Katy Perry, Pink, Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Lady Antebellum, Whitesnake, Journey, Mr Big, Rascal Flatts, Bruno Mars and so many more amazing soppy artists for helping me get through my relationship and break up. (*to be read with a hint of sarcasm and contempt) Sadists.

After watching 500 Days of Summer I realized, we were not meant to be, just like Tom and Summer. I had been lying to myself for almost a year that things would change and get better. That we would grow old together. Phooey.

Well, with that out of the way, I'm trying to start afresh. I went on a soul-searching 'Eat, Pray, Love' type trip to Europe where I basked in the beauty of London and Paris pretty much on my own. I learned that I really don't need anyone to 'survive' and I shouldn't depend on people to make me happy. I belong to me. Word.

I'm starting a new project. Its called The Big 250.

I'm gonna watch every movie in ascending order on IMDB's Top 250 Movies List. That's right. 250.

First things first, I have to buy the DVDs of the titles that I don't already own. After I watch each movie, I'm gonna write a review based on ratings of cheese (how cheesy the movie is [duh]) and chocolate (how sweet it is)

Whoever's already been reading my ramblings up until now, I thank you. For those who are about to, good luck. Think Memento confused you? Just wait. The messed up corners of my twisted mind may not be suitable for those under the age of 16. There, that was my disclaimer. Aside from that, I am open to your comments, opinions and thoughts. I love good movie banter. You may be a cunning linguist, but I am a master debater.

Wish me luck. It's kinda sucky that I don't own the first 10 titles on the list. Amazon, HMV, and Mustafa here I come.

First title: Arsenic & Old Lace. (1944)
Update & Review will be posted as soon as movie has been purchased.

Take it sleazy.